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Bionic Eyes & the Top 10 Medical Breakthroughs of 2014

eyeballHere are 10 breakthroughs set to reshape healthcare in the coming year. The Cleveland Clinic asked 100 of its top experts — people who focus on patient care very day — to offer insight these are their answers, the top 10 innovations for 2014:

10. Targeted therapy for cancer
9. Heart risk through the gut
8. Personal sedation station
7. Hope for acute heart failure
6. Fecal transplant restores balance
5. Decision support for smarter surgery
4. Breakthrough for hepatitis C
3. Device disrupts seizures
2. Genomic tests for managing cancer
1. The bionic eye becomes reality

Some of these items are more interesting than others. You may not care about fecal transplants, but who doesn’t want a bionic eye? Click here to read more.

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