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Posts Tagged overtraining

Stay Healthy by Playing Less? Dr. Andrews thinks so. You should listen.

Dr. James Andrews is the undisputed rock star of orthopedic surgeons. His personal statistics regarding number of surgeries are mind-numbing. The list of who’s who in professional and collegiate sports he has repaired is unparalleled. The contracts his patients have signed post surgery exceeds a billion dollars. To put it succinctly, Dr. Andrews is the […]

Overtraining can kill you part 2

How are you adapting to the physical stresses you’re putting on your body? Here’s part 2 on breakingmuscle.com Part 2 of 2  ( Here’s part 1 in case you missed it.) Today we talk about stage three – the stage that can literally kill you and can take years to recover from. Consider this a cautionary […]

Overtraining? Too much exercise?

Are you doing too much. Getting enough recovery time. Is your exercise program destroying you? Check out the article on breakingmuscle.com. Part 1 of 2 If you’ve been around the fitness scene for any length of time you’ll have heard it whispered about like Beetlejuice with people seemingly afraid to say it out loud for […]