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Posts Tagged health

Could this be the Diabetes fix we need?

There is a bright glimmer of hope in the awful world of diabetes. Funding has been secured for a clinical trial of a drug that not only prevents mice from getting type I diabetes, but actually reverses the condition if it has already taken hold. The drug in question, Verapamil, is already used to treat […]

To Blow or Not to Blow, That is the Question

Should you blow your nose? What is the  alternative? Gross? Yup, but good info nonetheless. Unless you are a small child, letting snot run down your face isn’t an option. But what if blowing your nose was bad for you or even dangerous? What to do? Uuuuggghhh. But resent research is pointing to evidence that […]

Effective Therapy for Golfer’s Elbow

Researchers from the Nicholas Institute of Sports Medicine and Athletic Trauma  found a simple exercise using an inexpensive rubber bar is effective at reducing pain associated with golfer’s elbow, according to a news release. “The success and popularity of the Tyler Twist led us to develop and evaluate an exercise for golfer’s elbow,” lead research […]

How Arm Fatigue Affects Legs (and Vice Versa)

Can there be “nonlocal” effects of fatigue. Does arm exercise make your legs tired? And does leg exercise make your arms tired? The overall answer, under the right circumstances, seems to be yes. It’s still exactly clear how or why. This is a big topic of research these days, because if we can understand how nonlocal […]

Stay Healthy by Playing Less? Dr. Andrews thinks so. You should listen.

Dr. James Andrews is the undisputed rock star of orthopedic surgeons. His personal statistics regarding number of surgeries are mind-numbing. The list of who’s who in professional and collegiate sports he has repaired is unparalleled. The contracts his patients have signed post surgery exceeds a billion dollars. To put it succinctly, Dr. Andrews is the […]

Scapulothoraticic Bursitis, or as most people call it, “My shoulder hurts.”

The shoulder is a complicated and often over-used joint prone to various pain-causing issues. Between swelling of the bursa, bony abnormalities and insufficient musculature, the shoulder can become a painful and noisy joint. Sound familiar? The first step to healing and returning to pain-free movement is see your P.T. Motion in the shoulder depends on […]

Paleo Diet & White Rice

So you thought white rice was bad for you. Plus you are on the Paleo diet, so you've been avoiding this Hawaiian pantry staple. Well think again.

Are You A Couch Potato?

According to an article on EXOS's website entitled America: A Nation of Couch Potatoes they talk about a new study, published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings, how researchers found that the average person is getting less than two minutes of activity per day.